Journal: Religion, Brain & Behavior

Religion, Brain & Behavior has a CiteSchore of 3.5, which ranks #2 among 594 Religious Studies journals in SCOPUS.

Detailed journal information.

The aim of Religion, Brain & Behavior (RBB) is to provide a vehicle for the advancement of biological research approaches to  religion at every level, from brain to behavior. RBB unites multiple disciplinary perspectives that share these interests. The journal seeks empirical and theoretical studies that reflect rigorous scientific standards and a sophisticated appreciation of the academic study of religion. RBB welcomes contributions from a wide array of biological and related disciplines, including:

• Cognitive sciencerbbcover

• Evolutionary psychology

• Social psychology

• Evolutionary anthropology

• Neurology

• Genetics

• Demography

• Neuroeconomics

• Physiology

• Developmental psychology

• Psychology of religion

• Moral psychology

• Archaeology

• Mimetics

• Behavioral ecology

• Epidemiology

• Public health

• Cultural evolution

• Religious studies

In summary, RBB considers high quality papers in any aspect of the brain-behavior nexus related to religion. RBB publishes high quality research articles, target articles with about ten solicited commentaries and an author response, case studies, and occasional review articles. Issues are published three times each year.

An RBB subscription is included at a discounted rate with membership in the Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion. Institutional and individual subscriptions to the journal are also available directly from the publisher, Taylor & Francis. See here for further information on how to become a member of IBCSR.

For more information about the journal, as well as indexes of authors and articles, please review the relevant links in the Resources menu.